Home Study in Australia Insurance for Australia

Insurance for Australia

You have graduated – now what happens? What are your options? Can you stay in Australia? Do you need to leave the country? Can you go to Graduate School? Upon graduation, students have many options – this section will help decide what is right for you.

ow that you have completed your degree program in Australia, you will have many options running through your head as to what’s next:

  1. Do you return home and take what you have learned to develop your career in your home country?
  2. Could you develop your education even further with another course in Australia?
  3. Maybe head out into the world to start working?

This section is designed to help you answer some of those questions and give you guidance on how to pursue various options.

Graduate School
Do you want to undertake a master’s degree, PhD, or attend medical or business school? Many factors go into making this decision, including price and where to study. If you decide to go this route, we have several tips on how to improve your chances of acceptance into the graduate program of your choice.
Job Search
Job searching can be a daunting prospect for everyone, but international students in particular can get very overwhelmed. If you decide you want to pursue a career in Australia, you should familiarize yourself with the laws in Australia, as well as the Skilled Migration Programme. We also have several job-hunting tips to help you along the way.
Returning Home
After completing your education in Australia, you may want to return to your home country. What will this be like? How will things have changed? Many students report a sense of reverse culture shock upon their arrival back home that can be difficult to deal with. Learn more about adjusting to returning home, and how to maximize on the experiences you have had during your time in Australia.